So, I will try to do the followings:
- create a parser able to recognize complex arithmetic expressions
- parse arithmetic expression and generate the parse result as a list of strings that corresponds to the postfix notation of the initial expression
- evaluate the above postfix notation list to generate the value of the arithmetic expression
Chapter 31 of Programming in Scala, First Edition Combinator Parsing by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners December 10, 2008
Reverse Polish notation
And here is the code:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
* @author Nicolae Caralicea
* @version 1.0, 04/01/2013
* @author Nicolae Caralicea
* @version 1.0, 04/01/2013
class Arithm extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr: Parser[List[String]] = term ~ rep(addTerm | minusTerm) ^^
{ case termValue ~ repValue => termValue ::: repValue.flatten }
def addTerm: Parser[List[String]] = "+" ~ term ^^
{ case "+" ~ termValue => termValue ::: List("+") }
def minusTerm: Parser[List[String]] = "-" ~ term ^^
{ case "-" ~ termValue => termValue ::: List("-") }
def term: Parser[List[String]] = factor ~ rep(multiplyFactor | divideFactor) ^^
case factorValue1 ~ repfactor => factorValue1 ::: repfactor.flatten
def multiplyFactor: Parser[List[String]] = "*" ~ factor ^^
{ case "*" ~ factorValue => factorValue ::: List("*") }
def divideFactor: Parser[List[String]] = "/" ~ factor ^^
{ case "/" ~ factorValue => factorValue ::: List("/") }
def factor: Parser[List[String]] = floatingPointConstant | parantExpr
def floatingPointConstant: Parser[List[String]] = floatingPointNumber ^^
case value => List[String](value)
def parantExpr: Parser[List[String]] = "(" ~ expr ~ ")" ^^
case "(" ~ exprValue ~ ")" => exprValue
def evaluateExpr(expression: String): Double = {
val parseRes = parseAll(expr, expression)
if (parseRes.successful) evaluatePostfix(parseRes.get)
else throw new RuntimeException(parseRes.toString())
def expr: Parser[List[String]] = term ~ rep(addTerm | minusTerm) ^^
{ case termValue ~ repValue => termValue ::: repValue.flatten }
def addTerm: Parser[List[String]] = "+" ~ term ^^
{ case "+" ~ termValue => termValue ::: List("+") }
def minusTerm: Parser[List[String]] = "-" ~ term ^^
{ case "-" ~ termValue => termValue ::: List("-") }
def term: Parser[List[String]] = factor ~ rep(multiplyFactor | divideFactor) ^^
case factorValue1 ~ repfactor => factorValue1 ::: repfactor.flatten
def multiplyFactor: Parser[List[String]] = "*" ~ factor ^^
{ case "*" ~ factorValue => factorValue ::: List("*") }
def divideFactor: Parser[List[String]] = "/" ~ factor ^^
{ case "/" ~ factorValue => factorValue ::: List("/") }
def factor: Parser[List[String]] = floatingPointConstant | parantExpr
def floatingPointConstant: Parser[List[String]] = floatingPointNumber ^^
case value => List[String](value)
def parantExpr: Parser[List[String]] = "(" ~ expr ~ ")" ^^
case "(" ~ exprValue ~ ")" => exprValue
def evaluateExpr(expression: String): Double = {
val parseRes = parseAll(expr, expression)
if (parseRes.successful) evaluatePostfix(parseRes.get)
else throw new RuntimeException(parseRes.toString())
private def evaluatePostfix(postfixExpressionList: List[String]): Double = {
import scala.collection.immutable.Stack
def multiply(a: Double, b: Double) = a * b
def divide(a: Double, b: Double) = a / b
def add(a: Double, b: Double) = a + b
def subtract(a: Double, b: Double) = a - b
def executeOpOnStack(stack: Stack[Any], operation: (Double, Double) => Double): (Stack[Any], Double) = {
val el1 =
val updatedStack1 = stack.pop
val el2 =
val updatedStack2 = updatedStack1.pop
val value = operation(el2.toString.toDouble, el1.toString.toDouble)
(updatedStack2.push(operation(el2.toString.toDouble, el1.toString.toDouble)), value)
if (postfixExpressionList.length == 1) toDouble(postfixExpressionList.head)
else {
val initial: (Stack[Any], Double) = (Stack(), null.asInstanceOf[Double])
val res = postfixExpressionList.foldLeft(initial)((computed, item) =>
item match {
case "*" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, multiply)
case "/" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, divide)
case "+" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, add)
case "-" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, subtract)
case other => (computed._1.push(other), computed._2)
object TestArithmDSL {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val arithm = new Arithm
val actual = arithm.evaluateExpr("(12 + 4 * 6) * ((2 + 3 * ( 4 + 2 ) ) * ( 5 + 12 ))")
val expected: Double = (12 + 4 * 6) * ((2 + 3 * ( 4 + 2 ) ) * ( 5 + 12 ))
assert(actual == expected)
import scala.collection.immutable.Stack
def multiply(a: Double, b: Double) = a * b
def divide(a: Double, b: Double) = a / b
def add(a: Double, b: Double) = a + b
def subtract(a: Double, b: Double) = a - b
def executeOpOnStack(stack: Stack[Any], operation: (Double, Double) => Double): (Stack[Any], Double) = {
val el1 =
val updatedStack1 = stack.pop
val el2 =
val updatedStack2 = updatedStack1.pop
val value = operation(el2.toString.toDouble, el1.toString.toDouble)
(updatedStack2.push(operation(el2.toString.toDouble, el1.toString.toDouble)), value)
if (postfixExpressionList.length == 1) toDouble(postfixExpressionList.head)
else {
val initial: (Stack[Any], Double) = (Stack(), null.asInstanceOf[Double])
val res = postfixExpressionList.foldLeft(initial)((computed, item) =>
item match {
case "*" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, multiply)
case "/" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, divide)
case "+" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, add)
case "-" => executeOpOnStack(computed._1, subtract)
case other => (computed._1.push(other), computed._2)
object TestArithmDSL {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val arithm = new Arithm
val actual = arithm.evaluateExpr("(12 + 4 * 6) * ((2 + 3 * ( 4 + 2 ) ) * ( 5 + 12 ))")
val expected: Double = (12 + 4 * 6) * ((2 + 3 * ( 4 + 2 ) ) * ( 5 + 12 ))
assert(actual == expected)
Alternative implementation without putting the items in a list:
ReplyDeleteclass Arith extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr: Parser[Double] = term ~ rep(plus | minus) ^^ { case head ~ tail => head + tail.sum }
def plus: Parser[Double] = "+" ~ term ^^ { case "+" ~ token => token }
def minus: Parser[Double] = "-" ~ term ^^ { case "-" ~ token => -token }
def term: Parser[Double] = factor ~ rep(product | division) ^^ {
case head ~ tail => head * tail.foldLeft(1.0)((a, b) => a * b)
def product: Parser[Double] = "*" ~ factor ^^ { case "*" ~ number => number }
def division: MyArith.this.Parser[Double] = "/" ~ factor ^^ { case "/" ~ number => 1.0 / number }
def factor: Parser[Double] = floatingPointNumber ^^ (_.toDouble) | "(" ~ expr ~ ")" ^^
{ case "(" ~ expr ~ ")" => expr }
Thank you Kyoncho for your feedback.
DeleteI really like your much simplified alternative.
You welcome! I am really enjoying the Scala's possibilities to do a lot of work with few lines of code.
ReplyDeleteme, too. Scala is really great to code in compared to other languages.